
W imieniu organizatorów przekazuję sokolnikom zaproszenie do wzięcia udziału w Konferencji Weterynaryjnej - Doha (Qatar), która odbędzie się w dniach 30.01-01.02.2014 r.
Zaproszenie dotyczy również zainteresowanych tematem - studentów weterynarii.
Janusz Sielicki
Delegat IAF

IAF is the International Association for Falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey, an international NGO with members in 60 countries. We intend to hold a Veterinary Conference in conjunction with our 2014 Council of Delegates Meeting in Doha, Qatar, from 30th January to 1st February.  The title of the conference will be “Veterinary Medicine for Falconry into the 21st Century” and it will be chaired by Prof. Tom Richter of Nürtingen University in Germany. We have received enthusiastic replies and firm acceptances from several distinguished researchers and practicing specialists in avian medicine.

This initiative has come from the Algannas Society, IAF member for Qatar, and has been in the planning there for four years. We are hoping for an audience of vets and veterinary students invited from universities in the Gulf and from outside, as well as interested falconers and rehabilitators. On behalf of our hosts, the Algannas (Falconry) Society we wish to invite vets specializing in birds of prey as well as students from universities with a strong veterinary department. There is a possibility for veterinary students wishing to specialize in falconry birds to receive assistance.

The main reason for this veterinary conference and workshops is to establish a mechanism for sharing veterinary techniques internationally. There is a considerable gap between Veterinary Science in developed countries and in less developed counties. So the immediate aims are :

  1. Communications between veterinarians
  2. Lessons learned, experience, and benchmarked veterinarian practices
  3. An annual meeting between veterinarians and Falconers
  4. References and information exchange
  5. Develop a system for sharing breeding, treatments, and emergency issues.

We hope much more than this will result from this first event and, depending on its success, it is hoped to repeat and develop it in the future.

Should you wish to attend please register online at the website, www.iaf.org, where the online registration form can be found (first you need to register to the webpage, than for the Conference).  Expressing your interest as a vet, a veterinary student or other interested person will mean you will receive an official invitation, the programme details (speakers and their topics) and accommodation and visa information.

The IAF organizing team for this event, working with Zayed Al-Maadeed of Algannas, consists of IAF Executive Secretary Gary Timbrell (Ireland) timbrell@iaf.org ,  Véronique Blontrock, Brussels (Registration and  Planning)  blontrock@iaf.org and Patrizia Cimberio, Milan (Design)  cimberio@iaf.org